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Advanced Econometrics and Data Science - 7.5 ECTS - HYBRID

Date and time

Monday 20 January 2025 at 09:00 to Tuesday 4 February 2025 at 14:00

Registration Deadline

Wednesday 15 January 2025 at 23:55


Porcelænshaven - room PH18B 1.18 (first floor), Porcelænshaven 16B, 2000 Frederiksberg Porcelænshaven - room PH18B 1.18 (first floor)
Porcelænshaven 16B
2000 Frederiksberg

Advanced Econometrics and Data Science - 7.5 ECTS - HYBRID

Course coordinator: Ralf A. Wilke, Department of Economics (ECON)


Professor Ralf A. Wilke
Department of Economics, CBS


Estimation of and Inference for the multiple regression model (OLS, 2SLS, LPM, F-,t-,LR-,Wald-, LM-tests), Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Regression with Binary Dependent Variable, Matrix Algebra, Basic concepts of asymptotic theory (consistency and asymptotic normality). The course is compulsory for the PhD students of Copenhagen Business School’s Department of Economics, but also open to other PhD students who have the equivalent knowledge in econometrics of an M.Sc. in Economics or Econometrics.


The course will run on 7 days in the Spring Semester 2025 with 6 hours per day. The first 6 days consists of 4 hours lectures and 2 hours computer sessions, which makes 36 hours. The remaining 6 hours are reserved for student presentations on the last day of the course. In the case of more than 12 participants, an additional contact hour is added per every 2 additional participants to accommodate the additional presentations.

Aim of the Course and Learning Objectives

After the course, students shall be able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of the concepts, models, methods and tools of econometrics and data science as discussed during the course (when to apply what and why),
  • read and understand international research papers that develop or employ econometric and data science methods in relation to the course,
  • perform an econometric analysis including identification of the problem, formulation of the theoretical background, specification of a suitable statistical model, proper estimation of the model, and relevant hypothesis testing and inference, 
  • and to evaluate an empirical study conducted by another person/researcher that uses methods in relation to the course

Course content

Designed for PhD students in Economics and related disciplines who want to deepen their understanding of econometrics & data science and widen their statistical methods repertoire for their thesis and later career. The material is useful for students doing empirical work, research on Econometrics or both. The course covers general econometric and data science methods, followed by micro-econometric models for mainly cross sectional data. Topics are illustrated in lectures by empirical examples. Stata and R sample code is made available such that participants can choose between these packages.  Students will be offered the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the material with empirical computer exercises. The course is centered around rather general topics which of interest to a wider audience, rather than focusing on very specialised topics.

Topics covered by the course include:

General Econometrics & Data Science:

  • Nonparametric Density and Regression, Semiparametric Regression
  • Quantile Regression
  • Resampling techniques

Cross Section Econometrics:

  • Limited Dependent Variable models (Multiple Valued Discrete Responses, Continuous Dependent Variables)
  • Policy Analysis (Regression Based, IPW, Matching, Synthetic Control)
  • Decomposition Methods (Mean, Distribution)
  • Duration Models (Single and Competing Risks)
A final list of topics will be given during the lectures.

Teaching methods

Face-to-Face teaching with the option to join online (hybrid). Zoom links will be available prior to course start via CBS’s virtual learning environment (Canvas).

Lectures and computer-based exercise classes. Students need to bring their own laptop.

Software: STATA licenses are available for CBS students. Students from other universities need to have their own license. R is open source.


Extended essay (up to 10 pages) and student presentation (20 minutes+ 10 minutes discussion) on a topic related to the course content. The topic is chosen by the student and needs approval by the lecturer.

Grading scale

7-step scale

Course literature

This is indicative:

  • Lecture Notes
  • Jeffrey Wooldridge (2010), Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, 2nd edition, MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass.
  • A.Colin Cameron, Pravon Trivedi (2005), Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications, Cambridge University Press.
  • Bruce Hansen (2022), Econometrics, Princeton University Press.
  • Academic journal articles on topics taught in the course.

Student workload

Lectures/ class exercises / student presentations: 42 hours
Preparation time (readings, self study etc.): 88 hours
Home assignment: 80 hours
Total: 210 hours

The course has 36 lectures (à 45 minutes). Lectures take place 6 hours a day on 6 days between 9:00-12:00 and 13:00 and 16:00. This is followed by at least 6 hours of student presentations on 1-2 days. An additional contact hour for every two participants is added if the number of course participants exceeds 12. If the number of participants exceeds 14, the student presentations will take place on two adjacent days, otherwise on one day only. This means the minimum number of contact hours is 42.

Time table

The following tables contain provisional timing of topics with main references. More references will be provided during the course.






Intro (1h), Non-semiparametric models  (2h)



Non-semiparametric models (2h) , Quantile regression (1h)



Quantile regression (3h)



Resampling methods (3h)



Limited Dependent Variable models (3h)



Limited Dependent Variable models (3h)



Limited Dependent Variable models (2h), Policy analysis (1h)



Policy analysis (3h)



Policy analysis (3h)



Decomposition methods (3h)



Duration models (3h)



Duration models (2h), QA, Summary & Evaluation (1h)



Project Submission Deadline, by email:


Whole day

Student presentations, feedback & open discussion – CBS and external students



Student presentations, feedback & open discussion – CBS students



Main References

Non-semiparametric models

CT2005, Chapter 9; H2022, Chapter 19

Quantile regression

CT 2005, Chapter 4.6; W2010, Chapter 12.10; H2022, Chapter 24

Resampling methods

Horowitz, 2001; CT2005, Chapter 11; H2022, Chapter 10

Limited dependent variable models

W2010, Chapters 16, 17, 18.2, 19.2, 19.5

Policy analysis

W2010, Chapter 21; CT2005, Chapter 25

Decomposition methods

Fortin, N., Lemieux, T. and  Firpo, S. (2011)

Duration models

CT2005, Chapters 17-19; W2010, Chapter 22

Main textbooks

  • W2010: Jeffrey Wooldridge (2010), Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, 2nd edition, MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass.
  • CT2005: A.Colin Cameron, Pravon Trivedi (2005), Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications, Cambridge University Press.
  • H2022: Bruce Hansen (2022), Econometrics, Princeton University Press.

Registration Deadline and Conditions

The registration deadline is 19 December 2024. If you wish to cancel your registration, it must be done by this date. By this deadline, we determine whether there are enough registrations to run the course or decide who should be offered a seat if we have received too many registrations.

If seats are still available, we will extend the registration deadline to fill the remaining spots. Once you receive our acceptance/welcome letter, your registration becomes binding, and no course fee refunds will be issued. The binding registration date is the deadline mentioned above.
Payment Methods
Ensure you choose the correct payment method when finalizing your registration:
CBS students:
Select the payment method CBS PhD students. The course fee will be deducted from your PhD course budget.
Students from Other Danish Universities: 
Select the payment method Danish Electronic Invoice (EAN). Provide your EAN number, attention, and any relevant purchase (project) order number.
If you do not pay via EAN number, select Invoice to pay via electronic bank payment (+71).
Students from Foreign Universities:
Select the payment method Payment Card. If you are unable to pay by credit card, choose Invoice International to pay via bank transfer.

Event Location

Click to view the event location on Google Maps >

Organizer Contact Information

CBS PhD School
Nina Iversen

Phone: +45 3815 2475

Organizer Contact Information

CBS PhD School
Nina Iversen

Phone: +45 3815 2475