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Introduction to RDM for PhD students (from 10:00 - 12:00)

Date and time

Friday 3 March 2023 at 10:00 to 12:00

Registration Deadline

Thursday 16 February 2023 at 11:30


Dalgas Have - room DHØ 0.65 (ground floor), Dalgas Have 15, 2000 Frederiksberg Dalgas Have - room DHØ 0.65 (ground floor)
Dalgas Have 15
2000 Frederiksberg

Introduction to RDM for PhD students (from 10:00 - 12:00)

Course coordinators: Lars Nondal, Library, and Mareike Buss, Library


Chief Adviser Lars Nondal 
Libray, CBS

Research Assistant Mareike Buss
Libray, CBS

All students must have taken the online course “Introduction to Research Data Management (modules 1-3)” (1 hour; in Canvas).
Furthermore, it is expected that all students have read the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity before attending the course.
To introduce CBS PhD students to the basic concepts, principles and practices of research data management (RDM).

This course gives an overview of relevant RDM topics and best practice in the field. It is set up as a blended learning course with 1 hour of online self-study and 2 hours of classroom learning. The students will be generally introduced to key RDM concepts and ideas by taking the online course “Introduction to Research Data Management (modules 1-3)” (1 hour).
The classroom learning session will be tailored to the needs of the PhD-students that have registered for the course. It will comprise a Q&A follow up session to the self-study, discussion of concrete examples and RDM issues, and hands-on exercises selected for the group of students.

Overview of course contents: 
  • CBS RDM policy
  • Good RDM practice throughout the research data lifecycle (including how to write a data management plan and related tools)
  • The FAIR principles
  • RDM services and infrastructure at CBS (among others: storage, HPC tools and resources, data publishing, data preservation)

Teaching Style

Blended-learning course with online self-study and classroom learning with lecture elements, class discussion and small group exercises.
Learning Objectives

This course gives PhD candidates an understanding of good RDM practice and how it is part of the methodological toolkit of every researcher.

Course Literature

The Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

Event Location

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