PhD level
The course aims to: provide knowledge on emerging trends in marketing strategy, yield insights into how to successfully publish in marketing strategy research, and teach about emerging methodological approaches in marketing strategy research.
Course content
In this course, we will familiarize participants with emerging trends in marketing strategy research with focus on special topics in marketing strategy research and how to become an engaged marketing strategy research scholar avoiding pitfalls. In addition, we will offer participants with insights into how to successfully publish marketing strategy research in academic journals with focus on how to position their marketing strategy research and how to get their research successfully through the review process. Finally, we will teach participants how to use emerging methods in their marketing strategy research with focus on using meta-analysis as an emerging method.
Teaching style
In this course lectures with in-class discussions and workshops. The class is highly interactive with a
corresponding expectation that students engage in these interactions. Participants are asked to actively
participate in the course and to hand in a 5-page assignment in which they incorporate notions and insights from the literature of the course.
Lecture plan - Room SP 2D.45
DAY ONE, Wednesday May 10, 2023
9:00 – 9:05: Opening - Professor Ad de Jong
9:05 –10:30: Publication strategy: How to position your Marketing Strategy research? - Professor Rob Morgan
10:30 – 10:45: Coffee break
10:45– 11.25: Publication strategy: How to position your Marketing Strategy research? - Professor Rob Morgan
11:25 – 12:25: New trends lecture: Selected Contemporary Topics in Marketing Strategy 1 – Dr. Selma Kadic-Maglajlic
12:25 – 13:20: Lunch
13.20 – 14:00 New trends lecture: Selected Contemporary Topics in Marketing Strategy 1 – Dr. Selma Kadic-Maglajlic
14:00 – 14:30: Introducing the assignment - Professor Ad de Jong
14:30 – 15:30: Publication strategy: ‘Answering the Referees’ reports’ - Professor Ad de Jong
15:30 – 15:45: Coffee break
15:45 – 17:00: Publication strategy: ‘Answering the Referees’ reports’ - Professor Ad de Jong
17:00 – 17:30: Reflections on the course content and learnings of Day One – participants actively participate in an interactive discussion led by Professor Ad de Jong
DAY TWO, Thursday May 11, 2023
9:00 –10:20: New trends lecture: Selected Contemporary Topics in Marketing Strategy 2 – Professor Michel van der Borgh
10:20 – 10:35: Coffee break
10:35 – 12:25: New trends: Engaged Marketing Strategy scholarship: Avoiding the pitfalls in Marketing Strategy research - Professor Thomas Ritter
12:25 – 13:20: Lunch
13:20 – 15:20: Research Method -Advanced Topic Seminar: Meta-Analysis - Professor Martin Eisend
15:20 – 15:35: Coffee break
15:35 – 17:00: Research Method -Advanced Topic Seminar: Meta-Analysis - Professor Martin Eisend
17:00 – 17:30: Reflections on the course content and learnings of Day Two – participants actively participate in an interactive discussion led by Professor Martin Eisend
Learning objectives• Enable participants to identify and critically relate to emerging trends in marketing strategy
• Enable participants with conceptual tools that set the stage for develop papers for publication
• Use emerging methodological approaches in marketing strategy research.
Please see 'Teaching style'.
Course Literature
• Bond III, E. U., de Jong, A., Eggert, A., Houston, M.B., Kleinaltenkamp, M., Kohli, A.K., Ritter, T, & Ulaga, W. (2020). The Future of B2B Customer Solutions in a Post-COVID-19 Economy: Managerial Issues and an Agenda for Academic Inquiry. Journal of Service Research, 23 (4) 401-408.
• De Jong, A., de Ruyter, K, Keeling, D.I., Polyakova, A., Ringberg. T (2021). Key Trends in Business-to-Business Services Marketing Strategies: Developing a Practice-based Research Agenda. Industrial Marketing Management 93 1-9.
• De Ruyter, K., D.I. Keeling, K. PLangger, M. Montecchi, M.L. Scott, and D. Dahl (2022), Reimagining marketing strategy: Driving the debate on grand challenges, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50(1): 13-21.
• Deighton, John A., Carl F. Mela, and Christine Moorman (2021). Marketing thinking and doing. Journal of Marketing, 85(1):1-6.
• Grewal, D., Puccinelli, N., & Monroe, K. B. (2018). Meta-analysis: Integrating accumulated
knowledge. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46(1), 9-30.
• Kadić-Maglajlić, S., Chaker, N. N., & Arslanagić-Kalajdzić, M. (2021). The same only different: Seven steps of selling in emerging markets. In F. Jaramillo & J. Mulki (Eds.), A Research Agenda for Sales (pp. 109–134). Edward Elgar Publishing.
• La Placa, Peter, Adam Lindgreen, Joëlle Vanhamme, and C. Anthony Di Benedetto (2018). How to revise, and revise really well, for premier academic journals. Industrial Marketing Management, 72: 174–180.
• La Placa, P., Lindgreen, A., and Vanhamme, J. (2018). How to write really good articles for premier academic journals. Industrial Marketing Management, 68:202—209.
• Lindgreen, Adam, C. Anthony Di Benedetto, Jens Geersbro, and Thomas Ritter (2018). Past, present, and future business-to-business marketing research. Industrial Marketing Management. 69: 1-4.
• Palmatier, Robert (2016). Improving publishing success at JAMS: Contribution and positioning. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(6): 655–659.
• Steel, Piers, Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, and Herman Aguinis (2021). The anatomy of an award-winning metaanalysis: Recommendations for authors, reviewers, and readers of meta-analytic reviews. Journal of International Business Studies, 52: 23-44.