Monday 9 January 2023 at 09:00 to Tuesday 10 January 2023 at 16:00
Tuesday 10 January 2023 at 15:55
Kilen - room KL 2.53 (second floor),
Kilevej 14A,
2000 Frederiksberg
Kilen - room KL 2.53 (second floor)
Kilevej 14A
2000 Frederiksberg
Professor Peter Maskell
Department of Strategy and Innovation, CBS
Professor Keld Laursen
Department of Strategy and Innovation, CBS
This workshop is intended to deal with the basic issues of the process of publishing in the learned journals for the PhD students who are about to write their thesis.
Continuous publishing in academic journals has increasingly become not only a criterion for initial employment, subsequent tenure, and possible promotion, but also a necessity for most academics employed by universities and business schools.
This workshop is intended to deal with the basic issues of the process of publishing in the learned journals and will address questions such as: How to choose a journal? What constitutes a valuable contribution? In what style should it be written? How do I address an editor? What do the reviewers look for? At the end of the workshop, students will be familiar with the requirements for publishing articles in various types of outlets in management and related fields.
Course content
What is a good scientific contribution: Some criteria and examples
• Developing a publication project.
• Publishing strategies.
• The pros and cons of publishing in edited volumes contra in journals.
• Co-authorship, acknowledgements, credit-management
• How to deal with reviews and reviewers.
• Web tools: Assessing journals and authors using ISI Web of Knowledge
• Editors' Round-Table
Lecture plan
Day 1
1.Introduction to the course
2.What’s the problem? What is the crucial decision?
3.How to structure and submit a manuscript
4.How to cope with reviewers
5.Editor’s corner - Q&A. Session with guests
6.What is a scientific contribution: Theory building or theory testing
Day 2
7.How to select a journal (including hands-on ISI/SSCI-exercise)
8.Publication strategy I: The first time I did it. Session with guests
9.Comparing qualitative and quantitative research
10.Publication strategy II: The possibilities of outlets for your research
11.Co-authorship management
13.Wrap up and farewell
Both days from 9.00-16.00.
Teaching style
Sessions with lectures, panel discussion, hands-on exercises, testimonials, and group work, etc.
Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the main thrust of the literature before the course.
Course Literature
Journal of Management Studies Guidelines for Authors
Industrial and Corporate Change Guidelines for Authors
Regional Studies Guidelines for Authors
Harvard Business Review Guidelines for Authors.
Huff, A.S. (1999): Writing for Scholarly Publication, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Cummings, L.L. and Frost, P.J. (1985) Publishing in the Organization Sciences, Homewood, Illinois: Irwin.
Floyd, S.W., Schroeder, D.M., Finn, D.M. (1994): "Only if I'm first author: Conflict over credit in management scholarship", Academy of Management Journal, 37(3): 734-747.
Phelan, S.E., Ferreira, M. and Salvador, R.(2002): “The first twenty years of the Strategic Management Journal,” Strategic Management Journal, 23(12): 1161-1168.
Starbuck, William H (2003): “Turning lemons into lemonade: Where is the value in peer reviews?” Journal of Management Inquiry, 12(4): 344-351
Whetten, D.A. (1989): "What constitutes a theoretical contribution?", Academy of Management Review, 14(4): 490-495
Clarkson, P. (2002): "Publishing: Art or Science? Reflection from an Editorial
Perspective" Accounting and Finance 52:359-376
Rebecca, Piekkari and C. Welch (2011), Rethinking the Case Study in International Business and Management Research. Edward Elgar Publishing (See especially chapter 7)
Bradbury, M. (2012): "Why you don't get published. An Editors View" European Accounting Review 19:399-423.
You are expected to collect the literature for the course yourselves.
Payment methods:
CBS students: Choose CBS students in the payment methods and the course fee will be deducted from your PhD budget.
Students from other Danish Universities: Fill in your EAN number, attention and possible purchase (projekt) order number. Do you not pay by EAN number please choose Invoice to pay via Giro card payment.
Students from foreign universities: Please pay by credit card payment. Are you not able to pay by credit card please choose Invoice international to pay via bank transfer.
Please note that your registration is binding after the registration deadline.
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