Monday 14 February 2022 at 09:00 to Monday 21 March 2022 at 16:00
Monday 14 February 2022 at 09:00
Room TBA,
Campus TBA,
2000 Frederiksberg
Room TBA
Campus TBA
2000 Frederiksberg
Faculty | ||
Nicolai J. Foss (NJF), Professor, Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI), Copenhagen Business School Ulrich Kaiser (UK), Professor, Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI), Copenhagen Business School José Mata (JM), Professor, Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI), Copenhagen Business School Ali Mohammadi (AM), Assistant Professor, Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI), Copenhagen Business School Mirjam van Praag (MvP), Professor, Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI), Copenhagen Business School Toke Reichstein (TR), Professor, Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI), Copenhagen Business SchoolVera Rocha (VR), Associate Professor, Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI), Copenhagen Business School |
Course Coordinator |
José Mata (JM), Professor, Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI), Copenhagen Business School | ||
Prerequisites |
Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of entrepreneurship, innovation theory, economics, and quantitative research methods such as econometrics and experiments. A basic understanding of core theories of organizations, strategic management, and the economic theory of the firm will be helpful but not mandatory. This is one of the specialized courses offered to SI doctoral students at CBS and is open to all Ph.D. students outside the department. | ||
Aim |
The main goal of the course is to increase familiarity with and develop an in-depth understanding of the key themes and empirical research methods of entrepreneurship. Emphasis will be put on empirical applications to test theories. Most of the course will be devoted to teaching how to do empirical research in the domain of entrepreneurship, broadly defined. Focus will be on the contributions making use of quantitative methods and data including experiments. Theories, frameworks, concepts, and controversies that collectively form the foundation for entrepreneurship research will be discussed. The course will aim to build capabilities in critically discussing and developing research questions/projects in entrepreneurship. Students will get acquainted with various methodological approaches employed in the field and learn to analytically review and evaluate academic articles from a diverse body of literature relevant to entrepreneurship research. |
Course content |
Entrepreneurship is a multidisciplinary research area with contributions from economics, psychology, sociology, geography, and management, just to mention a few. No other subject has attracted more scholarly, managerial, and policy attention than the phenomenon of entrepreneurship in recent years. From macro- and microeconomics to demography and organizational sociology, from finance and business studies to cognitive psychology, the quest for understanding its antecedents, sources, processes, and consequences has produced a large, vibrant, eclectic field. And with the growing advent of cross-disciplinary, multi-level work employing specialized panel data sets and more rigorous econometric techniques, initial concerns that the field lacked “a professional identity defined by a unifying theory” have abated. The magnitude of academic interest in entrepreneurship is not surprising given its centrality for several key outcomes. Entrepreneurship has long been considered an engine of economic growth and regional development. Entrepreneurs have been shown to destroy established organizational competencies, shape evolutionary trajectories of technologies, cause substantial regulatory changes and create, enact and obliterate social topologies, organizational forms, markets, and industries. They have been placed at the heart of the theories of income inequality, social mobility, social welfare, and ethnic absorption, and they have been acknowledged to be a critical driver of the flow and distribution of resources across physical space. Research has also associated entrepreneurial acts with firm growth and performance, organizational revival, and global corporate expansion. Foundations of Entrepreneurship is designed to offer an integrative view of how to do research to better understand why only some individuals but not others choose to become entrepreneurs, why only some persons but not others discover opportunities and exploit them, and why and how eventually only some ventures succeed and have a positive impact in society. |
Teaching style |
Lectures, student presentations, paper discussions, literature critiques. In case of a new Covid-19 related lockdown, the teaching will take place online. Moreover, depending on who signs up for the course besides the PhD cohort at the Department of Strategy and Innovation, it is the intention to live-stream the sessions, so that remote participation will be possible. |
Lecture plan |
Feb 14 (9 am - 12 pm) – Reading and Writing Scholarly Papers in Entrepreneurship (JM) Feb 14 (1 pm - 4 pm) – Entrepreneurship: Key Discussions and Concepts (NJF) Feb 21 (9 am - 12 pm) – Entrepreneurship and Personnel (VR) Feb 21 (1 pm - 4 pm) – Entrepreneurial Finance (AM) Feb 28 (9 am - 12 pm) – Organizational Heritage and Entrepreneurs (TR) Feb 28 (1 pm - 4 pm) – Founders and Founding Conditions (JM) Mar 7 (9 am - 12 pm) – Entrepreneurship and Established Firms (NJF) Mar 7 (1 pm - 4 pm) – Field Experiments in Entrepreneurship (MvP) Mar 14 ---------- (no lectures) Mar 21 (9 am - 12 pm) – High-frequency data and entrepreneurship research (UK) Mar 21 (1 pm - 4 pm) – Presentation and discussion of term papers (TBD) |
Learning objectives |
The course is organized around interactive lectures on specific topics. Professors will primarily discuss their own research to emphasize research strategies and challenges. Students are expected to prepare presentations and to actively participate in class discussion. Altogether, we make sure that a set of important topics is discussed and that classic contributions to the literature around these focal themes are included in the course as well. This course aims at developing the students’ ability to write research papers in the field of entrepreneurship. |
Exam |
Assessment will be “pass/no-pass” based on the paper/proposal submitted and presented at the end of the course. | ||
Other |
Start date |
14/02/2022 | ||
End date |
21/03/2022 | ||
Level |
PhD | ||
5 | ||
Language |
English | ||
Course Literature |
Session 1 - Feb 14 (9 am - 12 pm) – Writing scholarly papers in entrepreneurship (JM) At the end of your Ph.D., you should be able to communicate your research through written papers to be published in peer-review journals. Ideally, you also want your papers to be read and, if possible, make an impact and be cited in subsequent articles. In this session, we will discuss several steps towards that goal. We discuss how to read scientific articles efficiently, and this discussion should provide insights on what you should pay attention to when writing your own articles. We discuss the importance of writing at an early stage, what a finished paper should look like, and the process by which initial ideas develop into a finished paper. Most of the ideas are general and hold in different scientific fields, not only in entrepreneurship.
Further Readings
Not all research on entrepreneurship will be published in field journals. Although most of the essential goals and techniques for writing scientific articles are the same across many disciplines, conventions for writing and publishing scholarly research are somewhat different in different disciplines. Below you find some guidelines for different disciplines concerned with entrepreneurship. Economics
Management A few years ago, the Academy of Management Journal published a series of notes titled “FROM THE EDITORS: PUBLISHING IN AMJ". The insights in these notes are relevant for management research in general, including that in the field of entrepreneurship. The complete list of notes are as follows:
Session 2 - Feb 14 (1 pm - 4 pm) – Entrepreneurship: Key Discussions and Concepts (NJF) Over the last three decades, entrepreneurship has emerged as an essential and expanding part of management research. In this lecture, we survey and discuss various contemporary approaches to entrepreneurship in management research, focusing on issues such as: What is the proper unit of analysis for entrepreneurship research? Is entrepreneurship best thought of as the discovery of opportunities or rather creating new business plans dedicated to meeting customer preferences under uncertainty? Is entrepreneurship a behaviour or an occupation? Is it uniquely related to start-ups, or can we think of entrepreneurship in established firms? Etc. Readings
Further Readings
Session 3 - Feb 21 (9 am - 12 pm) – Entrepreneurship and Personnel (VR) Founders and startups get most of the coverage in academic, public, and policy debates. However, for every founder, one or several early employees often take nearly equal risks by joining an early-stage company. At the same time, hiring for startups is a particularly challenging process fraught with constraints and high uncertainty. This lecture will discuss some of the most recent research on the interplay between founders and joiners in new ventures, the selection of personnel for startups, and the career implications of working for a startup firm. Given the emergent nature of some of these questions, this session will also discuss potential research avenues in this area and the empirical challenges often faced when studying these questions, while having an overview of different methods that can tackle some of those issues. Readings
Further Readings
Session 4 - Feb 21 (1 pm - 4 pm) – Entrepreneurial Finance (AM) Start-ups face “financing constraints” and financial decisions may profoundly influence future options and choices. In this session, we first focus on theoretical differences between entrepreneurial finance and corporate finance in general. We then dive into different sources of financing (i.e., Venture capital and crowdfunding) and their impact on entrepreneurial ventures. References
Further Readings
Session 5 -Feb 28 (9 am - 12 pm) – Organizational Heritage and Entrepreneurs (TR) Readings
Further Readings
Session 6 - Feb 28 (1 pm - 4 pm) – Founders and Founding Conditions (JM) The conditions in which firms are founded lead to some initial decisions which may profoundly affect the characteristics of the firms. These conditions may imprint firms and the influence of initial conditions may persist even if the conditions are subsequently changed. An essential element of these founding conditions is the founder or the founding team. This session discusses the influence of founders and environmental founding conditions and the changes in these conditions upon the performance of firms.
Further Readings
Session 7 - Mar 7 (9 am - 12 pm) – Entrepreneurship and Established Firms (NJF) Starting from the notion that entrepreneurship is a behaviour that is not limited to start-ups, we link entrepreneurship to the established firms and their organizational design. We will also consider the role of external knowledge sources in the entrepreneurial process, forging a link to the open innovation literature (Foss, Lyngsie & Zahra), and the role of gender in explaining entrepreneurial outcomes (Lyngsie & Foss). Finally, we consider the role of top management in the entrepreneurial process, linking to the literature on intrapreneurship, corporate venturing, etc. (Barney, Foss, & Lyngsie) Readings
Further Readings
Session 8 - Mar 7 (1 pm - 4 pm) – Field Experiments in Entrepreneurship (MvP) In this session, we discuss various field experiments in entrepreneurship. Huber et al, (2020), Lindquist et al. (2015) and Karlan et al. (2015) are related to the question: Can entrepreneurship be taught? This question has been subject to heated debate for many years. The sharp increase in the number of entrepreneurship education programs offered suggests that the consensus has become that entrepreneurship can indeed be taught. From a policy perspective, this is an appealing thought. The possibility that entrepreneurship can be taught creates a window of opportunity for (educational) policies to enhance entrepreneurship. Two more field experiments in entrepreneurship are discussed in this session: one about risk and loss attitudes of entrepreneurs (Koudstaal et al., 2016) and one about the valuation of earlier entrepreneurial failure by investors (Zunino et al., 2022). Readings
Mar 14 --- (no lectures) Research papers/proposals are due on this date Session 9 - Mar 21 (9 am - 12 pm) – High-frequency data and entrepreneurship research (UK) This session will discuss recent advances in exploiting publicly available, real-time, high-frequency business register data for entrepreneurship research. Relatedly, we will discuss what the availability of such data implies for economic policy and strategic management. The work of Scott Stern’s group will be our point of departure and our journey will take us to three main applications: (i) the geography of entrepreneurship, (ii) performance forecasting and (iii) the Covid19 pandemic. In addition, ongoing research based on both Danish and Swiss business register data will be discussed in this session. Readings High-frequency data and entrepreneurship research
Application (i): High-frequency data and the geography of entrepreneurship
Application (ii): High-frequency data and performance forecasting
Application (iii): High-frequency data and the Covid19 pandemic
Further readings High-frequency data and entrepreneurship research
Application (i): High-frequency data and the geography of entrepreneurship
Application (ii): High-frequency data and performance forecasting
Application (iii): High-frequency data and the Covid19 pandemic
Session 10 - Mar 21 (1 pm - 4 pm) – Workshop for paper development (TBD) This last lecture will be run in parallel sessions with three students and a faculty member and will be devoted to discussing term papers/proposals. Papers/proposals are due on March 14. During the workshop, each student will make a 20-minute presentation of his/her own paper/proposal. On March 15 each student will receive the other papers to be presented in the same session and should be prepared to make a 5-minute discussion of each paper/proposal during the session. The faculty member will also provide feedback on the different papers. |
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