Monday 2 December 2024 at 09:00 to Tuesday 3 December 2024 at 16:00
Friday 8 November 2024 at 23:55
Porcelænshaven - room PH18B 1.18 (first floor),
Porcelænshaven 16B,
2000 Frederiksberg
Porcelænshaven - room PH18B 1.18 (first floor)
Porcelænshaven 16B
2000 Frederiksberg
Professor of law and economics, Phd. Henrik Lando
Department of Business and Law, CBS
Professor, J.S.D. and dr. philos, Gunnar Nordén
Department of Business, Marketing and Law, USN School of Business
Target group
The course is designed for PhD students in law who wish to draw inspiration from theories of law and economics, and/or to include a law and economics perspective in their thesis. The course is open to all Ph.D students in the social sciences.
Basic aims
The course aims to let you focus on the nature of your research questions and on how functional and consequential analysis is relevant to them. The analysis is functional when one is interested in how well the law addresses certain goals. It is consequential when these goals are formulated as real world consequences, often in terms of welfare.
A framework for understanding, predicting or assessing law from a functional perspective will formulated and exemplified with examples from contract and tort law.
Required reading
Property rules, liability rules, and inalienability, Harvard Law Review 85(6), 1089–128, by Calabresi and Melamed.
A note on the Coase theorem, by Henrik Lando and Gunnar Nordén (on canvas)
A pragmatic view of fairness and social welfare in the analysis of law, Henrik Lando (file:///Users/henriklando/Downloads/SSRN-id3630533.pdf)
Economic analysis of accident law, Steven Shavell, chapter 1-3. http//www.fd.unl.pt/docentes_docs/ma/LTF_MA_24338.pdf
Supplementary reading (not required)
Analytical Methods for Lawyers, by Jackson, Kaplow, Shavell, et al. Foundation Press, 2003. Chapter 1-3, 6.5 – 6.8, 7.
Economic analysis of accident law, Steven Shavell, chapter 1 and chapter 2 section 1 on unilateral accidents :http//www.fd.unl.pt/docentes_docs/ma/LTF_MA_24338.pdf
An Introduction to Law and Economics, Mitch Polinsky.
On Law and Justice. By Alf Ross. 1959, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, Ch. 1-4;14-15.
The legal analyst, Ward Farnsworth.
Before the course
Before the course, you should read the required readings above.
On the basic or applied nature of your research questions:
Williams et al. distinguish between applied and basic research questions, where the point of applied research is that if we know the answer we can act more effectively. The point of basic research is that if we know the answer we can do better applied research. The course will make you consider whether your research question is applied or basic, and how consequential reasoning enters your research question.
Course Schedule
Day 1: December 2, 2024
Morning session: A functional understanding of law
9.00 am – 12.15 pm
Understanding law from a functional perspective HL and GN
The Optimal Structure of Law Enforcement, Steven Shavell
The Journal of Law & Economics, Vol. 36, No. 1, Part 2. (can be found here: https://www.jstor.org/stable/725476)
A note on the Coase theorem, Henrik Lando and Gunnar Nordén (on canvas)
Property rules, liability rules, and inalienability, Harvard Law Review 85(6), 1089–128. Calabresi and Melamed.
Lunch: 12.15 pm – 1.15 pm.
1.15 pm – 2.30 pm
An example: understanding tort law from a functional perspective
Kapitel 1-3 in Shavells textbook:
2.45 pm – 3.15
Case om produktansvaret: U 2017.1122 Ø som illustration af funktionelle overvejelser i fortolkningen af produktansvarets defekt-definition. HL
3.30 – 4.15 pm
On normative criteria applied to law. HL and GN
A pragmatic view of fairness and social welfare in the analysis of law, Henrik Lando (file:///Users/henriklando/Downloads/SSRN-id3630533.pdf)
Day 2: December 3, 2024
Morning session: 9.00- 12.15.
Student group work where students present their research questions
Groups of four members are formed beforehand, see above, and to each presenter there will be a designated discussant. The presenter will begin by explaining:
a) What exactly is (are) the research question(s)?
b) Whether consequential or means-end analyses are relevant.
c) Whether economic normative criteria are relevant (e.g. Pareto-efficiency, Kaldor-Hicks efficiency or the utilitarian optimum).
To the presenter, and also to the discussant, is allotted 15 minutes. 15 minutes is also allotted to plenum discussion.
Afternoon session: 1.15-4 pm
Plenum discussion, led by HL and GN, addressing questions that have come up in the morning session concerning both the nature of research questions and the role of consequential analysis.
Course fee
For PhD students from the JurForsk institutions Jurforsk and JurforskNordic or Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge the course fee will be 1000 DKK which covers food & beverages during the course days and one dinner.
CBS PhD students (incl. Law students) and other students not enrolled at the JurForsk institutions Jurforsk and JurforskNordic or Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge will be charged the full course fee of 3250 DKK.
Registration deadline and conditions
The registration deadline is 25 October 2024. If you want to cancel your registration on the course it should be done prior to this mentioned date. By this date we determine whether we have enough registrations to run the course, or who should be offered a seat if we have received too many registrations.
If there are more seats available on the course we leave the registration open by setting a new regsitration deadline in order to fill remaining seats. Once you have received our acceptance/welcome letter to join the course, your registration is binding and we do not refund your course fee. The binding registration date will be the registration deadline mentioned above.
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CBS PhD School
Nina Iversen
Phone: +45 3815 2475
CBS PhD School
Nina Iversen
Phone: +45 3815 2475